The Influence of Flexible Work Arrangements on Employee Innovation Moderated by Human Resource Support in the Information Technology and Telecommunications Industry A Mixed-Methods Approach


Department of Decision Sciences and Innovation, Ramon V. del Rosario College of Business, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines 1 , Department of Decision Sciences and Innovation, Ramon V. del Rosario College of Business, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines 2 , Department of Decision Sciences and Innovation, Ramon V. del Rosario College of Business, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines 3 , Department of Decision Sciences and Innovation, Ramon V. del Rosario College of Business, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines 4 , Department of Decision Sciences and Innovation, Ramon V. del Rosario College of Business, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines 5
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Purpose- This study, grounded in the Demand–Resource–Individual Effects (DRIVE) Model and Social Exchange Theory (SET), explores the impact of Flexible Work Arrangements (FWAs)—namely Flexible Working Hours (FWH) and Telecommuting/Work From Home (T/WFH)—on Employee Innovation (EI), with an examination of Human Resource Support (HRS) as a potential moderating factor.
Design/Methodology- Utilizing a mixed-methods design, this research integrates quantitative results from 150 purposively and snowball-sampled respondents with qualitative insights from four detailed interviews. Statistical analyses included Correlation, Regression, and Explanatory Sequential analysis.
Findings- The study’s key findings show that both FWH and T/WFH significantly enhance EI. While quantitative findings indicated no significant moderating effects of HRS, qualitative responses underscored its vital role in fostering a supportive and innovative environment.
Practical Implications- These findings underscore the crucial role of FWAs in enhancing innovation and suggest that fostering schedule autonomy and strengthening support systems can significantly boost innovation in hybrid work setups.

Article Details

Julianne Cu, A., Nikole Esguerra, Z., Gatbonton, A., Sakhrani, J., & Ranieses, J. J. (2025). The Influence of Flexible Work Arrangements on Employee Innovation Moderated by Human Resource Support in the Information Technology and Telecommunications Industry: A Mixed-Methods Approach. SEISENSE Journal of Management, 8(1), 17-35.
Research Articles

Copyright (c) 2025 Akisha Julianne Cu, Zoraia Nikole Esguerra, Angela Gatbonton, Janvi Sakhrani, Jessica Jaye Ranieses

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

The participants of this study did not give written consent for their data to be shared publicly, so due to the sensitive nature of the research supporting data is not available. 

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