Continuance Intention of Massive Open Online Course Learners in Higher Education: A Sustainable Development Initiative


Department of Marketing and Advertising, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines 1
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         This study focuses on higher education institutions in Metro Manila, Philippines, with their initiative to use and adopt Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) by analyzing the continuance intention to use MOOC platforms among students or learners. This recently gained popularity due to emergency remote learning in Metro Manila, the pandemic’s epicenter. This study also aims to understand the transformative impact of MOOC education on traditional and online learning. In addition, the study utilized survey research with 122 MOOC learners via purposive sampling, given the nature and composition of the respondents. The data collected were analyzed using the structural equation modeling-path analysis to substantiate the hypotheses using the extended Technology Acceptance Model. The relationship between attitude to continuance intention and continuance intention to transformative impact was significant. However, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and motivation were insignificant. It can be implied from the study the changing values of learners and students during the pandemic. Learning should not be an option but a way of life regardless of the circumstances and complement traditional learning. Finally, the study shows that the integration of MOOCs is the next big thing in global education, an impact on the school’s contribution to sustainable development goals through MOOC coverage by identifying the continuance intention among students and learners.

Article Details

Guillen Jr., N. B. (2022). Continuance Intention of Massive Open Online Course Learners in Higher Education: A Sustainable Development Initiative. SEISENSE Business Review, 2(1), 67-79.
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