Insurance Companies’ Salesperson Lead Qualification Skills and Salesperson’s Performance: Mediating Role of Salesperson’s Adaptive Selling Behavior


Richard Mwesige  1 , Prof. Ronald Bonuke  2 , Dr. Situma Claire  3
Makerere University Business School, Kampala, Uganda 1 , Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya 2 , Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya 3
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Examining the role of salesperson adaptive selling behavior (SPASB) as a mediator in the relationship between salesperson lead qualification skills (SPLQS) and salesperson performance (SP) in Ugandan insurance firms was the main research objective. A positivistic, explanatory design, 346 salespersons from a population of 3278 licensed insurance firms using proportionate stratified and simple random sampling techniques was utilized. A self-administered questionnaire was utilized, and data were analyzed using SPSS version26 and Hayes Process Macro version 4.0. This study suggests that adaptive selling behavior plays a crucial role in connecting lead qualification skills to salesperson performance, giving significant results. Practical implications include the need for policymakers to implement a policy of rewarding and supporting adaptive salespeople and organizing professional conference dialogues to train salespersons in analyzing customer needs, categorizing, and qualifying leads. The empirical evidence in this study was that adaptive selling behavior is a mechanism through which lead qualification skills positively influence salesperson performance.

Article Details

Mwesige, R., Bonuke, R., & Situma, C. (2024). Insurance Companies’ Salesperson Lead Qualification Skills and Salesperson’s Performance: Mediating Role of Salesperson’s Adaptive Selling Behavior. SEISENSE Business Review, 4(1), 14-28.
Research Articles

Copyright (c) 2024 Richard Mwesige, Prof. Ronald Bonuke, Dr. Situma Claire

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Prof. Ronald Bonuke, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya


Due to the sensitivity of the research, supporting data are available on request

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