Call for papers
Posted on 2020-11-02Dear Researchers,
Call for Papers – SEISENSE Business Review (SBR)
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant disruption to businesses across all industries and markets. Having access to reliable market research can be one way of helping troubled firms plan for a brighter future. As we pass through the COVID 19 time period, it will alter the business and society forever. In the last few months alone, it has altered many of our practices. Mangers are finding novel ways to connect with their coworkers. Organizations are becoming more flexible to address employees' needs. So, even after the covid19 is over, businesses, workplaces, and work-life will not be the same. Besides that, we will see a significant change in different aspects of the business.
People, organizations, and communities need new answers to new requirements, and businesses need to evolve and adapt to the new global health and economic changes. Positive workplace culture can deal with all these issues more effectively. Businesses, governments, citizens, and non-profits organizations play critical roles in establishing a human-centered, systems-minded approach that promotes workforce resilience and flexibility. The automation was coming well before COVID-19. The pandemic will probably accelerate this trend. Digital transformation generates a fierce debate among policy-makers, economists, and industry leaders about its societal impact. As digitalization disrupts society ever more profoundly, the concern is growing about how it affects jobs, wages, inequality, health, resource efficiency, and security.
SEISENSE considered this scenario and found that the area would be of interest to the research community. We at SEISENSE are delighted to announce the launch of a new journal called SEISENSE Business Review (SBR). The SBR editorial board invites the authors to submit the original articles.
Research studies are of particular interest if the research questions have clear relevance to digitalization. Topics on the journal include but are not limited to:
- Business Management
- Digital Leadership
- Logistics and use of Blockchain technology
- Business Ethical challenges
- Entrepreneurship
- Small and medium enterprises
- Tourism and hoteling
- Health and well being
- Sociology and psychology
You can submit your research paper by following the author's guidelines.
SBR is open access, refereed, and free journal. SEISENSE Business Review is an official journal of SEISENSE.