Vol. 7 No. 1 (2024): SEISENSE Journal of Management

The journal is publishing research articles since 2018.  The articles are continuously fed throughout the year to the current issue as soon as they are peer-reviewed, accepted by the editorial board, copyedited, and proofread. We would like to express many thanks to the valuable contributions of those who contributed to the publication of the issue of the journal. The journal is open access, double-blind peer-reviewed, and does not charge any publication fee.

Published: 2024-01-01


Research Articles

Impact of Ownership Structure and Corporate Governance on Earning Management

Empirical Findings from Listed Firms on the Pakistan Stock Exchange

Babar Bashir, Muhammad Rashid, Zeeshan Bashir
  • Abstract 788  
  • PDF: 661  
  • pages:1-20

An Examination of Employee Rewards and Work Environment on Employee Creativity and Innovation

Dickson Mdhlalose
  • Abstract 1130  
  • PDF: 911  
  • pages:21-34

Employee Performance Model: Analysis of Training, Organizational Culture and Work Environment by Mediating Work Discipline

Abdur Rachman Alkaf, Eddy Yunus, Sri Utami Ady
  • Abstract 371  
  • PDF: 347  
  • pages:35-50

Socially Responsible Leadership and Job Engagement in University Context: Mediation of Psychological Safety

Mahadih Kyambade, Afulah Namatovu, Joshua Mugambwa, Regis Namuddu, Bridget Namubiru
  • Abstract 380  
  • PDF: 314  
  • pages:51-66

Navigating the VUCA Terrain: Unveiling HR Strategies for Modern Organizational Agility

M. Chowdhury
  • Abstract 538  
  • PDF: 439  
  • pages:67-82

Effect of Longevity on Economic Growth, Accounting for Variability in Demographic Transition: Evidence for Pakistan using ARDL Bounds Testing Approach

Dr. Muhammad Mudasser, Dr. Emmanuel K. Yiridoe
  • Abstract 434  
  • PDF: 117  
  • pages:83-100

A Qualitative Study on Talent Management in Enterprises within the Industry 4.0 Process

Safa Acar, Dr. Ahmet SARNIÇ
  • Abstract 236  
  • PDF: 197  
  • pages:101-116

The Mediating Role of Hard Quality Management in the Relationship Between Soft Quality Management and Innovation Performance

Ehsan Masoudi
  • Abstract 168  
  • PDF: 129  
  • pages:117-134

Revolutionizing the Digital Creative Industries: The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Integration, Development, and Innovation

Shah Mehmood Wagan, Sidra Sidra
  • Abstract 90  
  • PDF: 46  
  • pages:135-152