Web-based Seminar - New Source of Qualitative Study: Data Collection during the Pandemic of COVID-19


Wen Ni Tiong  1 , Anne Freda Siaw Fen Sim  2
Institute for Globally Distributed Open Research and Education (IGDORE) 1 , University of Sunderland, Faculty of Business & Law, United Kingdom 2
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Objective- This article aims to discuss the authors’ own experience using a web-based seminar (webinar) as a new data collection method for a qualitative descriptive study on factors influencing digital banking adoption among potential users in Malaysia (Digital Banking Study).  

Design - This will be the first study to gather information from industry players and public perception towards digital banking service using webinars, with evidence compared to the study’s quantitative results. 

Findings – Data derived from webinar sessions are consistent with the quantitative results, and the potential of its uses as a new research tool was discussed in detail. Policy Implications- The findings showed several practical implications that are potentially useful for researchers, academics, and business analysts to consider adopting webinar data as a new qualitative data collection method.

Originality - This study documents the supporting evidence of the potential use of webinars as a useful tool to collect quality observation data.

Article Details

Tiong, W. N., & Sim, A. F. S. F. (2020). Web-based Seminar - New Source of Qualitative Study: Data Collection during the Pandemic of COVID-19. SEISENSE Journal of Management, 3(6), 50-64. https://doi.org/10.33215/sjom.v3i6.477
Research Articles

Copyright (c) 2020 Wen Ni Tiong, Anne Freda Siaw Fen Sim

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