Audit Committee Effectiveness and Earnings Management Among Publicly Listed Firms in Kenya
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Objective: The paper sought to investigate the role of an effective audit committee in controlling earnings management practices.
Design / Methodology: A panel data sourced from the audited financial reports of firms listed at the Kenyan Nairobi Securities Exchange for the periods between 2004 and 2017 were analyzed using a panel regression model.
Findings: Audit committee effectiveness proved an important monitoring mechanism for earnings management. The independence, Meeting frequency, and financial expertise of the audit committee evidenced a negative and significant effect on earnings management.
Practical Implications: Firms need to ensure that their audit committees operate effectively. This is achieved through enhancing their independence, ensuring optimal meeting frequency, and a higher number of members with financial expertise for fewer earnings management.
Originality: The paper suggests the ways through which audit committee effectiveness can be enhanced to reduce earnings management amid rampant global financial scandals.
Article Details
Josephat Cheboi, Moi University, Kenya
Ag.Dean School of Business and Economics
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