The Role of Knowledge Adoptive Capacity towards Exports Performance An Evidence from Textile Sector
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Purpose - Knowledge absorptive capacity plays a significant role in export performance. It is a dynamic capability that firms apply to gain competitiveness in today’s knowledge-based economies. The aim of the present research is to identify relationship among dimensions of KAC and export performance.
Design/Methodology - Nature of study was descriptive and quantitative. Data was collected through questionnaires from 291 large scale textile firms of Pakistan. Smart PLS was used in analyzing data by incorporating CFA and SEM techniques to test the hypotheses.
Findings - The results reveal that knowledge acquisition, transformation, and exploitation have significant positive relationship with export performance.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Ramaisa Aqdas, Nik Ab Halim Nik Abdullah

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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