Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): SEISENSE Business Review

Welcome to Volume 4, Issue 1 of SEISENSE Business Review (SBR)! We are excited to announce the publication of our first article in this issue. As a social science journal, SBR provides a platform for academics and professionals to share the latest developments and advances in knowledge and practice of global business dimensions. Although SBR is published annually, we aim to make research available to researchers as quickly as possible. As a result, we add accepted, proofread, and copyedited articles to the current issue on a rolling basis. This allows us to publish timely research and provide quick access to our readership. In this issue, we invite you to explore a range of topics related to digitalization and global business. Our focus areas include business management, digital leadership, logistics and the use of blockchain technology, business ethical challenges, entrepreneurship, small and medium enterprises, tourism and hoteling, health and well-being, and sociology and psychology.

Published: 2024-04-26


Research Articles

Psychological Safety and Innovative Work Behavior: Does Socially Responsible Leadership Matter?

Mahadih Kyambade, Regis Namuddu, Joshua Mugambwa, Afulah Namatovu
  • Abstract 7  
  • PDF: 10  
  • pages:1-13