Explaining How Management Safety Practices and Safety Programs Influence Job Safety and Employee Commitment Evidence from the Ghanaian Mining Industry
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Job safety was examined as a mediator of the relationship between management safety practices, safety programs, and employee commitment in Ghana's mining sector. A descriptive study approach was used, specifically a cross-sectional survey. The research discovered a clear link between management safety practices and employee commitment. It was shown that management safety measures had a strong positive association with job safety. Job safety also had a significant positive relationship with employee commitment. The connection between management safety and employee commitment was mediated by job safety. This study demonstrates how safety at the workplace boosts employees’ commitment in achieving organizational goals. The study advises organizations operating in high-risk environments to adopt industry-wide standard safety practices to ensure employees can develop the sense of attachment required for organizational growth. This can be achieved when management shows concern for employees’ safety. This is the first research to look into the link between management safety practices in the workplace and employee commitment.
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